Certa-Cito Lodge Charity page
At Certa Cito Lodge we have a history of supporting charities far and wide. As well as providing a standing payment to the Royal Signals Corps charity there are a number of other charities that the lodge has reached out to. Below is some recent charities the lodge has been privalidged to support
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Certa Cito Lodge donation of £740 in 2023
Walking with the Wounded
At Walking With The Wounded, they empower veterans by reigniting their sense of purpose, enabling them to make a positive contribution to their communities and lead independent lives.
Barrow Lifeboat Station
There has been an RNLI presence in Barrow since 1864. The current station opened in 2001 and houses a Tamar class all weather lifeboat and a D class Inshore lifeboat.
Certa-Cito lodge managed to raise a considerable amount during their ladies festivel, which was handed to Barrow life boat team by our W/Bro Phil Penfold
In 2021 Howard Pugh with the help of Certa Cito lodge raised and amazing £1,038.27
Other Charities
£410 Raised for a military charity that supports children who have experienced death of a parent
£50 Dontated to Back Up, who inspire people affected by spinal cord injury to get the most out of life.
£1000 for serving and retired Royal Signals soldiers and their dependent family. Adding value to Corps life, providing Swift and Sure support for those in need.
£500 Dontated to IMPS motorcycle display team
£2000 to London Fire service to introduce some high rise platforms
£100 Dontated to Lifelites which is the charity which gives life-limited and disabled children using hospice services across the British Isles the chance to play, be creative, control something for themselves and communicate, through the magic of assistive technology.
£500 for cars to operate at night or in adverse weather conditions, bringing the same doctor-paramedic team, equipment and drugs to a patient’s side as the aircraft.