Lodge Events

Certa-Cito Lodge Emergency meeting - Tuesday 15th November


Installation of our new master!

Tuesday 15th of November Certa-Cito lodge held an emergency meeting to instal the Master for this year.

Collin has a massive amount of experience having held this position several times.

The evening was a great success with beautiful food.

Certa Cito Lodge No.8925

Ladies Festival Weekend

Ladies Festivel

Every year year the Certa Cito Lodge arrange a ladies festivel, which gives all memebers of the lodge and their families an oppotunity to socialise and be together.

This year the festivel was held at Shanklin Beach Hotel on the Isle of White.

An amazing time was had by all!

163rd regular meeting - Tuesday 28th June

Certa-Cito Lodge held its 163rd regular meeting on Tuesday 28th June. With a very successful meeting introducing our new initiate Bro Phillip Steadman.

The festive board that followed was equally as successful with a raffle being held and some superb prizes. The Initiate also managed to consume most of a Spatchkock Chicken, which filled most of the table (well done Phil).

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Lodge Meeting

Ladies Festival Details